FALL Seasonal Home Checklist

It's time for your Home Maintenance - Fall Top Five!

1. GUTTERS Once the leaves fall, clean out your gutters of all leaves and debris. We recommend wearing gloves as the project can be a bit messy. Throughout the winter, water flow from melting snow can get dammed up and overflow the gutters, thus resulting in damage and rot to your soffits. Rotted soffits make easy access points for small animals to move indoors and find comfortable, warm homes in your attic insulation.

2. LEAVES Recycle compost lawn bags. Most communities have limited days for dropping off lawn bags full of leaves and lawn clippings. Google search your city to find out your local compost drop off locations and dates.

3. SPRINKLERS Schedule sprinkler blow out or drainage. Schedules fill up as temperatures drop, so before you're scrambling to shut down your sprinkler system for the year, find out who the local sprinkler guy is and get your system winterization scheduled.

Buy a snow shovel or salt BEFORE the first big blizzard arrives. You’ll thank us later. 

5. FURNACE FILTER Replace your furnace filter. A clean filter is essential to keeping your home cooled or heated consistently and affordably. It's also an easy way to maximize the lifespan of your furnace or air conditioning unit. 

Follow these tips to ensure your home stays in tip top shape year round.

We hope this content serves you well as you seek to be savvy homeowners and make wise financial decisions for your future. If you'd like to chat further or are considering moving in the coming months or year, let's get a meeting scheduled today!

- Josh & The RAGE Team

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for tax, legal, or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.


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